What is an Apostolate?

Apostolate is a clerical term used to denote an association of persons dedicated to the advancement of a particular ministry, mission, or activity.  An Apostolate is normally action oriented.  In the case of the Secular Franciscan Order, each Fraternity may have one or more Apostolates where it members gather, plan and actively support a continuing activity  approved by the Fraternity.  In the case of the Channel of Peace Fraternity there are two group Apostolates:  "The Home Place" and "To The Nations" missionary support in the country of Uganda.

Each Secular Franciscan may also have their own personal Apostolate based on their talents and the influence of the Holy Spirit in their lives.


The Home Place, Inc.

The Home Place, Inc. is an of Apostolate of the Channel of Peace Fraternity.

The Home Place provides affordable housing for at risk populations in the Greater Chattanooga area.  As part of this Apostolate, we provide provides meals, supplies, and build relationships with the   residents on a monthly basis.



Uganda Apostolate

The Uganda Apostolate focuses on supporting the poor and marginalized children in the country of Uganda.

We provide financial, material, and labor support by sewing dresses, collecting shoes, clothing, and other essentials for the children of 8 rural villages.  Our support is transmitted thru "To the Nations, Inc." (Tax Exempt, 501c(3) ) who delivers it directly to children in Uganda during several missionary trips each year.  For more information on contact:  http://www.tothenationsmissions.com


Individual Apostolates

Each Secular Franciscan may also have their own personal Apostolate based on their talents and influence of the Holy Spirit in their lives.  Individual apostolates range from being an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, visiting the poor, serving as a missionary, and many of the other ministries available in the Church and community.

For additional information on individual apostolates please contact the fraternity at [email protected].